Razors & Blades
Gillette Good News 2's - $1.10
Gillette Good News 3's - $1.65
Gillette Good News 5's - $2.25
Gillette Mach 3 razor - $4.95
Foamy Shave Cream - $0.95
Styptic Pencil - $1.50
Bic Shavers 5's - $1.35
Wilkinson double edge 5's - $0.75
Barbasol shaving cream 2.25 oz - $0.79
Edge Gel 2.75 oz - $1.25
Aftershave 7 0z - $1.50
Gillette Foamy 2 oz - $0.95
Gillete Shave Gel w/ Aloe - $0.55
Gillette Aftershave 2.5 oz - $2.75

Lip & Mouth Care
Orajel Oral Pain - $3.95
Bianca Breath Spray - $1.35
CARMEX lip balm (SPF 30) - $1.25
Blistex lip balm - $1.25
Vaseline-Lip balm 1's - $1.25
Chap Stick 1's - $1.20
Listerine Pocket Packs (24) - $1.75
Chloraseptic throat spray - $1.99
Listerine mouthwash 3 oz - $1.50
Scope mouthwash 1.5 oz - $0.79
Oral Gel (adult) - $3.75
Orajel baby - $3.75
Vaseline lip therapy - $1.10

Swim Gear
AURO-DRI 1 oz - $2.99
Arm wings / bands - $1.10
Child Goggles - $1.75
Adult Goggles - $3.25
Nose clip + earplugs - $1.10
Pool ball - $1.10
Pool air mat - $2.25
Swim mask - $2.45
Swim snorkel - $1.50
Swim air rings - $0.99
Huggies disposable swimpants - $0.99
Microfiber Swimshorts - $6.75

Playing Cards & Games
Bicycle Poker - 19.20/dz
Assorted Games - $1.95
Children's Toys - $1.75
Beanie Babies Original - $2.50
DICE (24 pairs/card) - $3.60/card
Dominos in carrying case - $2.50

Cellular / Accessories
I Phone Charger - $4.50
Android Phone Charger - $4.50
Samsung C Phone Charger - $4.50
Ear bud headphones - $1.50

Dental Care
TEK toothbrush - $5.40/dz
Colgate toothbrush - $18.00/dz
Oral B toothbrush - $18.00
Colgate Wisp toothbrush - $1.50
J&J dental floss 50yds - $1.25
J&J dental floss 50yds - $1.25
Kool Floss 10 ct - $0.50
Colgate toothpaste - $9.60/dz
Crest toothpaste - $10.20/dz
Fixodent .75 oz - $1.99
Efferdent 10's - $1.50

Batteries / Lighters
AA 3's - $1.79
AAA 3's - $1.79
C 2's - $1.89
D 2's - $1.89
9V - $1.89
AA2 Lithium (Photo) - $3.75
AAA2 Lithium (Photo) - $3.75
Calculator batteries - $0.89
Hearing aid batteries - $0.89
Generic Lighters (50/tray) - $24.00
Hangable Lighter - $0.50

Office Supplies
Papermate pens - $1.20/dz
#2 pencils - $1.20/dz
Mechanical pencils 0.7mm - $0.45
Legal pads - $0.70
Spiral note book 8.5"/11" - $0.60
Spiral pocket note book - $0.40
Bic felt-tip pens - $0.75
Sharpie markers - $0.75
Hi-Liters - $0.75
White-out / Liquid Paper - $0.75
Post-it - $0.65
Scotch tape - $0.65
3x5 index cards (100/pack) - $2.00
Elmer's Glue-All 1 oz - $0.50

Health & Beauty
Cuticle scissors - $0.79
Nail clippers (60/drum) - $27.36
Nail clippers individual - $0.55
Nail Emory Board $0.69
Nail polish (all colors) - $0.95
Nail Polish Remover 6 oz - $1.50
Nail Scrub Brush - $0.59
J&J Band-Aid 8's - $0.75
Benadryl cream 1.3 oz - $3.90
Cortaid Itch cream .5 oz - $3.00
Hemorrhoid cream .75 oz - $2.95
Neosporin .5 oz - $4.10
Gauze Roll/Sponge 8's - $2.25
Lipstick - $1.50
Lip Gloss - $1.50
Eyeliner pencil $0.99
Make-up kit w/ mirror - $0.99
Eye Lash Curler - $0.99
POND's makeup remover - $2.25
Tweezers - $0.99
Mascara - $1.50
Trojan non-lubricated - $1.15
Trojan lubricated - $1.65
Trojan ultra thin - $1.75
Trojan magnum - $1.85
Pregnancy test - $1.50
Dressing Bandage 4's - $2.25
ACE Bandages - $2.25
Q-Tips 18's - $0.45
Q-Tips 30's - $0.99
Hand sanitizer 2 oz - $0.99
Emory Boards - $0.59
Toe Nail Clippers - $0.89
Toe Nail Clippers (30/drum) - $27.36
Digital Thermometer - $2.95
Band Aid 8's - $0.89
Band Aid XL 10's - $1.50
Krazy Glue - $0.99

Lifesavers roll (20/box) - $18.00/box
Breathsavers (24/box) - $18.00/box
Extra gum 5's - $8.40/box
Listerine Pocket Pack (24 strips) - $1.35
Altoids peppermint - $1.75
Altoids smalls - $1.09
Tic Tac (12/box) - $0.99
Hershey/KitKat /Reeses/Twix - $
Snickers /Starburst /Skittles - $
Mentos - $
Assorted chips (50/box) - $
Granola bars (48/box) - $
Power Bar (24/box) - $
Hour Energy 2 oz - $

Underwear & Footwear
Knee Hi (3 colors) - $0.99
Pantyhose (3 colors) - $1.39
Men's dress socks - $1.39
Athletic socks (white) - $0.99
Shoe Laces (3 colors) - $0.59
Slippers (thong) - $1.25
Shoe Polish 2.5 oz - $0.99
Dr. Scholl's Air-Pillow insoles - $1.50
Dr. Scholl's Odor Destroyers - $2.50
Dr. Scholl's Foot Powder - $2.95
Dr. Scholl's moleskin plus - $2.69

Eye Care
B&L RENU solution 2 oz - $2.50
Murine Dry Eye Drops .5 oz.- $2.99
Murine Tears Eye Drops .5 oz-$2.50
Contact lens case - $1.50
Reading Glasses metal frame- $1.50
Sunglasses Ladies -Men's - $1.50
Sunglasses cord - $0.50
Eye Glass repair kit - $0.99
Visine eye drops .20 oz - $1.85
Visine eye drops .5 oz - $3.99
Visine contact drops .5 oz - $4.15
Murine Plus eye drops .5 oz - $2.95
Clear Eyes drops .5 oz - $3.55
Clear Eyes drops .2 oz - $1.75

Axe 1 oz spray - $1.50
Degree/Dove stick - $0.99
Old Spice 2 oz stick - $2.75
Dove stick 1.6 oz - $2.75
Degree stick 1.7 oz - $2.25
Lady's speed stick 1.7 - $2.25
Axe solid stick 1.7 oz - $2.25
Sure solid stick 1.7 oz - $2.25
Right Guard stick 2 oz - $2.25
Secret stick 1.7 oz - $2.25

Carefree pantyliners 20's - $1.25
Always pads 8's - $1.75
Carefree pantyliner 22's - $1.35
Kotex maxi pads 8's - $1.75
Stayfree maxi pads 10's - $1.99
Tampax 10's - $2.35
Playtex 8's - $1.99
Summer's Eve 4.5 oz - $1.45

Hair Care
Tresemme hair spray 2 oz - $1.79
Bobby pins - $0.60
Pantine Pro-V shampoo - $0.85
Pantine Pro-V conditioner - $0.85
J&J Baby shampoo 1.5 oz - $0.99
Pony tail 5's - $1.00
Hair jaw clip and Barrette - $1.50
Hairbrush (round or flat) - $1.90
Styling Mousse 6 oz - $2.25
LA Looks 8 oz - $2.25
Dep styling gel - 2 oz - $0.85
Shower caps - $0.65
Hair scruncci - $1.00
Curling irons - $11.50
Hair dryers - $5.50
Unbreakable comb - $0.40
Unbreakable comb XL - $0.70

Skin Care
Coppertone SPF30/ SPF50 - $3.95
Ocean Potion Aloe 6 oz - $3.75
Calamine lotion 6 oz - $2.50
Campho-Phenique 1.5 oz - $3.30
Iodine Mercurochrome 1 oz - $1.25
J&J baby powder 2.5 oz - $2.49
J&J baby oil 3 oz - $1.75
Jergen's hand lotion 2 oz - $0.60
Jergens healing 1 oz - $0.65
Noxzema skin care 2.5 oz - $1.65
Vaseline 1.75 oz - $1.50
KY Jelly 2 oz - $2.50
Suave lotion 3.25 oz - $1.50
Insect Repellant - $3.25
Hydrogen Peroxide - $1.60
Rubbing alcohol - $1.80

Pain Relievers
Advil 2's - $13.00
Advil 10's - $24.00/dz
Advil 4's - $0.75
Advil 24's - $3.60
Advil PM 4's - $1.20
Advil PM 2's (25) - $11.00
Advil infant drop .5 oz - $4.75
Anacin 4's - $0.75
Aleve 10's - $24.00/dz
Aleve 2's - $0.75
Aleve 2's (50) - $13.00
Motrin 4's - $0.75
Imodium 2's - $0.80
Tylenol extra stength 24's - $3.75
Tylenol PM extra stength 24's - $4.10
Excedrin 24's - $3.95
Excedrin 24's migraine - $3.95
Relief Center I* - $14.00
Relief Center II* - $15.00
Relief Center III* - $15.00
Bayer 10's - $24.00/dz
Bayer 4's - $0.75
Bayer 2's (50) - $13.00
Bayer 81mg 36's - $3.25
Motrin 6's - $15.00/dz
Tylenol 10's - $24.00/dz
Tylenol 4's - $0.75
Dayquil/Nyquil 2's - $0.80
Aleve 24's - $3.60
Bayer 24's - $3.60
Motrin IB 24's - $3.75

Allergy relief 18's - $2.95
Benadryl allergy 2's - $0.80
Benadryl allergy 2's (24) - $15.00
Benadryl allergy 24's - $4.75
Benadryl child allergy 4 oz - $4.90
Benadryl cream 1.3 oz - $3.95
Bengay 2 oz - $3.85
Cortaid .5 oz - $3.00
Hydrocortisone Cream 1 oz - $3.00
Desitin diaper rash - $2.80
Contac cold&flu 8's - $2.75
Chloraseptic pump - $1.95
ICYHOT cream 1.25 oz - $3.30
ICYHOT pain patch - $1.75
Neosporin .5 oz - $4.10
No-Doz 16's - $2.45
No-Doz 2's (25) - $10.00
Nytol 16's - $3.45
Sominex sleep aid 16's - $2.45
Claritin 5's - $4.75
Zantac150 3's - $1.75
Zantac75 4's - $2.05
Zantac 1's (25) -
Pepto Bismol 4 oz - $2.45
Pepto 12's chewable - $1.90
Robitussin 4 oz - $4.75
Airborne 10's - $5.25
Sucrets 18's - $2.48
Tums (36 rolls) - $21.60/box
Daytime cold&flu - $3.75
Nitetime cold&flu - $3.75
Dayquil/Nyquil 2's (10) $14.00
Vick's inhaler - $1.75
Vick's cough drops - $0.95
Zyrtec Allergy 3's - $3.49
Lactaid 4's - $1.40
Advil Congestion - $1.40
Advil Congestion 2's (25) - $14.00
NoDoz 4's - $1.00
Pepto-Bismol 4's - $1.20
Pepto-Bismol 2's (25) - $14.00
Pepcid/Zantac 2's - $1.40
AlkaSeltzer 2's (25) - $10.00
AlkaSeltzer 4's - $1.00
AlkaSeltzer 12's - $2.75
AlkaSeltzer+Cold - $1.20
AlkaSeltzer+Cold 2's (25) - $11.00
AlkaSeltzer+Cold 12's - $3.25
Dramamine 4's - $1.40
Dramamine 2's (20) - $14.00
Claritin 2's - $2.00
Claritin 1's (25) - $22.00
VapoRub 3 oz - $2.95
Afrin nasal spray .5 oz - $4.99
Four way nasal spray .50 oz - $3.80
Saline nasal spray .5 oz - $2.75
Dramamine 8's - $3.00
Decongestant PE 24's - $2.95
Beano 12's - $2.40
Ex-Lax 8's - $2.35
GasX 10's - $2.40
Fleet Enema 3.5 oz - $1.45
Glycerin Suppositories 12's - $1.98
Halls (4 flavors) 9's - $0.95
Imodium AD - $2.95
Imodium 2's (25) - $14.00
Philip's milk of magnesia 4 oz - $2.60
Lactaid Ultra 4's - $1.40
Midol 4's - $1.25
Midol 2's (25) - $12.00

Miscellaneous Goods
Chidren's Coloring Books - $0.60
Crayons 24's - $1.50
Disposable Diapers 3's - $1.95
Wet Wipes 10's - $1.25
Huggies baby wipes 16's - $1.95
Tide/ALL detergent - $0.55
Bounce/Snuggle 2 sheets - $0.55
Bleachex Stain Pen - $1.50
Shout stain remover wipes - $0.95
Faultless heavy starch 5 oz - $1.95
Jergens soap - $0.50
Cotton balls - $0.40
Flashlights - $0.75